ROSE GOLD WHITE and SILVER lined live edge set of 4 Resin coasters. Heat resistant!! Available in Etsy! Click on bio ☝️ Trying these out before I get festive with some Christmas inspired ones. @counterculturediy . . .

ROSE GOLD WHITE and SILVER lined live edge set of 4 Resin coasters. Heat resistant!! Available in Etsy! Click on bio ☝️ Trying these out before I get festive with some Christmas inspired ones. @counterculturediy . . .
This beautiful cherry blossom pink shimmer & gold hand-embellished, with pink opal stones and is 13″ X 3/4″ decorative resin tray is available! Solid as a rock! It weighs 2.6 lbs and is reversible. Heat resistant as well! Available in… Read More
***GIVEAWAY**** 2 winners will receive $50 gift card for @counterculturediy for their Black Friday Sale! I will pick 1 winner who comments under YouTube video 👆 in bio *Watch now! And I will pick 1 winner in my Facebook Group… Read More
My latest tutorial BEE… this BEEutiful painting is available in Etsy and the online class is in Tutorials in my bio 👆. Buzz on over and find it! BEE you BEE kind BEE loving BEE compassionate BEE strong BEE unique… Read More
Added gold to the edges. In bio and Etsy shop 👆 to purchase. . . . counterculturediy lapislázuli heatresistant resinart resincoasters diamondcutedge goldedges resinhowto resindiy bluelove💙
Close up of video I posted today on YouTube. I did two 7″ ceramic dishes with silk flowers, this one had miniature pebbles, koi and hand painted details sealed into resin. So much fun… thinking outside of the box. Have… Read More
Another holographic bowl… this one with glitter and very small crystals! 💎 @counterculturediy . . .
Looks like a magazine shoot! ENIGMA 24″X30″ sold!! Yay!! It looks fabulous in my client’s home. Patience pays off… . . .
Set of 4 Soft white & purple 5″ resin coasters with silver edges. Heat resistant to 500°. I’m really enjoying this!! @counterculturediy Available for purchase in my Etsy shop. Click bio ☝️ and then Etsy. Swipe 👈 to see a… Read More
2021 Calendars are in! I pre-ordered a limited number. I have sold half of them already. Click on bio ☝️ and Preorder button at top of links to order yours now to ensure delivery in early December. . . .
Sunday fun day… since I haven’t painted in 4 or 5 days, thought I would share these three paintings I did with acrylics for a client 7 years ago. I love painting on a metallic gold background. . . .
Set of 4 Pale bronze, copper & gold 5″ heat resistant resin coasters!! Available Think I might add gold edges. Should I embellish them, yes or no? @counterculturediy . . .
Another set of custom coral fire opal coasters for a client. Gonna gild the edges gold for some “super fineness!” Did some metallic ones last night…coming soon. They are very soft looking. @counterculturediy . . .
Would you like any of my art 4×6 on blank 5×7 greeting cards? Just let me know! I can print any pieces you would like. Here’s a few of many that I have. They make great gifts 🎁 and you… Read More
Preorder 2021 calendar and ensure yours arrives in early December. Click on bio ☝️ and the ☀️Preorder 2021 Calendar☀️ tab there!! . . .
💥💥💥2021 Calendars are now ordered. Reserve yours now before Christmas. Limited order placed!! Click on bio ☝️ to order now!!💥💥💥 . . .
14″ Ocean Inspired Resin Pour on @moosecanvas Cradled Wood Art Panel with real sand and shells. This beauty is available in my Etsy link. Just click on bio ☝️. I get to go to the ocean this weekend for a… Read More
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Sneak peek. Just posted the video of making this 18″X24″ pour. It will become another collage tree piece that will most likely be done next week after this is thoroughly cured! Can’t wait to show you the finished piece later!!… Read More
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