4-18″X24″ Acrylic on cold press watercolor paper. Available. Together or separately. So this was a fabulous zoom class I took today led by @amysmithartist … she has mad skills. I’m more on the colorful, overboard, happy patterns stage of abstract. But I’ve got goals!!! Regardless… I happen to love all four of these because they make me feel happy! And I hope they will one day make someone else happy to when they find a home… its so much fun to let loose, yet I still want to control. But I can’t wait to do it again soon. So much to do, so little time. The life of an artist!!
colorfulabstractart icanthelpmyself ilovecolors vibrantart colorpops intuitiveartist sandralett northcarolinaartist garnernc zoomclass learntopaint makeasplashwhereyouare ichoosejoy nomorefears creativehappylife❤