
Kintsugi series… Like the golden fault lines running through kintsugi, just as we are broken, we can be repaired — and the manner of that repair, the learning in that growth, becomes a strong and beautiful part of who we are.



The rectangle shape is 4.6″X7.2″. These are great for sending to someone in a time of need or even after the loss of a loved one. Inside left side has story of Kintsugi.  Envelopes included.

The Japanese tradition of mending broken pottery with gold, highlights imperfections rather than hiding them.  “Kintsugi”, or joining with gold, is a 400-year tradition that shows that broken objects when repaired can be made even stronger, more resilient, and even beautiful.

This is an allegory of the mending in us, as humans, as well as pottery.  The understanding is to heal and show that you are a better version of you with the golden cracks. We can accept the uncertainty and imperfection in all of us; and celebrate the new strength we have gained.

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