Just finished this special 14″X11″ acrylic geraniums & ivy inspired piece

Just finished this special 14″X11″ acrylic geraniums & ivy inspired piece for a client in honor of her mother (these are her favorite!l… I always enjoy just sitting down at the drafting table and painting in the zone, without talking.… Read More

LAKE BENSON PARK (Garner, NC) 24″X12″ Gallery wrapped Canvas. Available.

LAKE BENSON PARK (Garner, NC) 24″X12″ Gallery wrapped Canvas. Available. Going into Hillsborough Paint It NC Virtual Plein Air Exhibit on 20th. I decided to paint 3 paintings outdoors this year! . . . pleinairpainting lakebensonpark lakepainting peacefullake acrylicpaintings landscape… Read More

Private Residence (Garner, NC) 15″X18″ Framed. Available. Going into Hillsborough

Private Residence (Garner, NC) 15″X18″ Framed. Available. Going into Hillsborough Paint It NC Virtual Plein Air Exhibit on 20th. I decided to paint 3 paintings outdoors this year! . . . pleinairpainting bananaleafplant limelighthydrangea hydrangealove tropical botanical acrylicpaintings landscape sandralett… Read More

Juniper Level Botanic Garden (Raleigh, NC) 21″X17″ Framed. Available. Going

Juniper Level Botanic Garden (Raleigh, NC) 21″X17″ Framed. Available. Going into Hillsborough Paint It NC Virtual Plein Air Exhibit on 20th. I decided to paint 3 paintings outdoors this year! . . . pleinairpainting acrylicpaintings landscape botanicgarden succulentslover sandralett raleighncartist… Read More