Close up of video I posted today on YouTube. I did two 7″ ceramic dishes with silk flowers, this one had miniature pebbles, koi and hand painted details sealed into resin. So much fun… thinking outside of the box. Have… Read More

Close up of video I posted today on YouTube. I did two 7″ ceramic dishes with silk flowers, this one had miniature pebbles, koi and hand painted details sealed into resin. So much fun… thinking outside of the box. Have… Read More
Another holographic bowl… this one with glitter and very small crystals! 💎 @counterculturediy . . .
Set of 4 Pale bronze, copper & gold 5″ heat resistant resin coasters!! Available Think I might add gold edges. Should I embellish them, yes or no? @counterculturediy . . .
Another set of custom coral fire opal coasters for a client. Gonna gild the edges gold for some “super fineness!” Did some metallic ones last night…coming soon. They are very soft looking. @counterculturediy . . .
UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL. Look at those details.. the shimmer and depth.. I can’t wait to make more ocean pieces! Resin Ocean Waves Coasters Set of 4. Click on bio 👆 and then Etsy to purchase. Had a lot of… Read More
Resin Ocean Waves Coasters Set of 4 Had a lot of fun and am still learning… many more ocean related pours to come! What fun! Heat resistant. But since we didn’t get any beach time this year, what better way… Read More
SOLD. Jewel toned 14″ Decorative Resin Tray…. all beautiful metallics. The gold just radiates out. It truly is beautiful. @counterculturediy . . .
Deep Purple Tray 14″X8″ Resin. Custom. Heat resistant. I absolutely love making these resin projects lately. @counterculturediy . . . purple💜
Set of Two 5″ Resin Coasters…Available. These are SOOO vibrant and have some cool deep confetti glitter on top!! I also have a feather trinket dish that I’m working on in these same colors!! These can be personalized! @counterculturediy @colourarte… Read More
JEWEL TONES PEACOCK 5″ Resin Coasters Set of 2 SOLD!! heat resistant to 500°. @counterculturediy . . .
Passion Flower 5″ Resin Coasters Set of 4 Available in Etsy . Click on bio👆 heat resistant to 500°. @counterculturediy . . .
JEWEL TONES PEACOCK 5″ Resin Coasters Set of 2 Available in Etsy . Click on bio👆 heat resistant to 500°. @counterculturediy . . .
Passion Flower 5″ Resin Coasters Set of 4 Available in Etsy . Click on bio👆 heat resistant to 500°. @counterculturediy . . .
Thank you @counterculturediy for the rocking artist resin!! Even the ones I screwed up can morph into a thing of beauty! Coming soon to my Etsy store unless they are spoken for here first!! Set of 4 Purple/Gold floral coasters… Read More
GOLDEN GLOW & PEARLS 10″ Resin Tray & Wine Bottle/Glass Holder SOLD!! very elegant and soft golden shimmer pearlescence with the delicate pearl trim. Truly one of a kind! . . .
GOLDEN GLOW & PEARLS 10″ Resin Tray & Wine Bottle/Glass Holder available. Check out my Etsy store in bio 👆… very elegant and soft golden shimmer pearlescence with the delicate pearl trim. Truly one of a kind! . . .
Sea Glass Rose Resin Art Piece 8″ Available. Just put the final resin top coat over the hand embellishments. I’m pleased with this one!! What do you think? It almost looks hand stitched. 🧵 swipe 👈 to see the before… Read More
Hand painted Fire Opal Resin Coasters Set of 4. Available. Click 👆 Etsy to purchase them. @counterculturediy Heat resistant up to 500° . . .
Hand painted Fire Opal Resin Coasters Set of 4. Available. Click 👆 Etsy to purchase them. @counterculturediy Heat resistant up to 500° . . .
My first “geode-ish” resin clock! 12″ what fun! SOLD! Already have a commission for another one .. @counterculturediy @jacquardproducts . . .